It can be troubling to lose several or all of your teeth, but it doesn’t need to be that difficult to figure out what to do once you’ve lost your teeth. Thanks to modern dentistry, there are various options available to recover from tooth loss, including partials and full dentures.
At Vega Dental, we know that some people prefer less invasive options when getting their teeth and smile back. That’s why we’re happy to offer our patients partials and full dentures as part of our list of services.
Creating partial and full dentures typically begins with giving the mouth and teeth an examination to determine if there is any natural tooth structure left. If not, then full dentures are created by taking impressions of all available space in a person’s mouth as models during production.
Partial dentures require some amount of natural tooth structure that dentists can use to create a mold from which the remainder of the partial denture will be made. Partials are essentially made to fit around the existing tooth structure to be as natural and as comfortable as possible.
Full dentures do not conform to the existing tooth structure and instead are formed based on a mold of the patient’s mouth. Dentures are custom-crafted to the patient in both cases and usually require adhesive to stay fit in the mouth.
For patients who have healthy gums but no remaining natural tooth structures, it may make sense for them to get either partial or full dentures, depending on their needs at that time. Only partial dentures may be necessary for individuals who still have remnants of natural tooth structure (but they’re not enough).
The decision to get one or the other is an individual choice, and whether it’s a partial denture, full denture, or both will depend on each person’s needs.
You should always consult a dentist before deciding which type of dental appliance would work best for you, but if you’re considering dentures to replace missing teeth, then consult your local dentist at Vega Dental today!
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